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- Fujifilm X100VI black
+ Darček: Fotokurz v hodnote 60€ + záruka 3 roky
Fujifilm X100VI black
- Obj. čislo: 01294
- Výrobca: FujiFilm
Fujifilm X100VI
Balenie obsahuje:
- 1x fotoaparát FUJIFILM X100VI
- 1x Li-ion batéria FUJIFILM NP-W126S
- 1x USB kábel
- 1x popruh
- 1x kovový klip k popruhu
- 1x Clip Attaching Tool
- 1x Protective Cover
- 1x Lens Cap
- 1x Hot Shoe Cover
- 1x návod
Vychutnajte si fotografovanie v jeho najčistejšej podobe s digitálnymi fotoaparátmi Fujifilm radu X100. Nový APS-C model so snímačom 40MPx, ponúka pôžitkársky zážitok z vytvárania ikonických obrázkov a prináša nezabudnuteľný obsah v každom kreatívnom momente.
Obrazová kvalita
X100VI má nový 40,2-megapixelový X-Trans CMOS 5 HR snímač X100VI s vysokým rozlíšením a vylepšeným algoritmom spracovania obrazu, ktorý zvyšuje rozlíšenie bez kompromisov v pomere signálu k šumu.
Nový procesor X-Processor 5 poskytuje dvojnásobnú rýchlosť spracovania oproti predchádzajúcemu X-Processor 4.
Kreatívne režimy Simulácie filmu
20 režimov simulácie filmu ponúkaných modelom X100VI, vrátane nového režimu REALA ACE, využíva 90 rokov vedy o farbách Fujifilm a digitálne replikuje vzhľad klasických fotografických filmov. Reprodukujte klasické farby a tóny, ktorými je Fujifilm známy, alebo pridajte umelecký vkus a začnite BUDOVAŤ SVOJ ODKAZ.
Nové ostrenie
Nový Intelligent Hybrid AF umožňuje ostrenie na báze detekcie contrast u, aj fázovej detekcie. X100VI obsahuje pôsobivý predikčný algoritmus automatického zaostrovania pre spoľahlivé zaostrovanie aj pri zaznamenávaní nepretržite sa pohybujúcich objektov.
Vylepšenia automatického zaostrovania sú najvýraznejšie v zónovom AF a situáciách s nízkym kontrastom.X100VI využíva AF na detekciu objektu X-Processor 5 na presné sledovanie rôznych objektov. Postavený pomocou technológie umelej inteligencie s hlbokým učením, rozpoznáva zvieratá, vtáky, autá, motocykle, bicykle, lietadlá, vlaky, hmyz a drony.*
Vysoká citlivosť pri nízkom osvetlení
40,2-megapixelový snímač X-Trans CMOS 5 HR s vysokým rozlíšením má vylepšený algoritmus spracovania obrazu, ktorý zvyšuje rozlíšenie bez kompromisov v pomere signálu k šumu. Ohromujúca kvalita obrazu je aj pri fotografovaní v náročných svetelných podmienkach.
Záznam videa 6,2K/30p 4:2:2 10-bit interne
X100VI ponúka pokročilý obrazový výkon v kompaktnom a ľahkom tele. Vytvárajte interne filmy s rozlíšením až 6,2 K pri 30p v 10-bitových farbách 4:2:2. Dostupné sú aj 4K/60p a vysokorýchlostné 1080/240p, čo maximalizuje flexibilitu videa.
Vylepšené sledovanie predmetov pri filmovaní
Ľahko sledujte predmety vo svojich videách. Vyberte režim AF-C s Wide/Tracking AF a potom sa jednoducho dotknite objektu na zadnom LCD displeji. X100VI bude sledovať objekt aj v situáciách, keď sa v zábere objaví viacero objektov.
Parametre X100VI
Model name | FUJIFILM X100VI | |
Image sensor | 23.5mm x 15.7mm (APS-C) X-Trans CMOS 5 HR with primary color filter | |
Number of effective pixels | 40.2 millions pixels | |
Sensor Cleaning System | Ultra Sonic Vibration | |
Image Processing Engine | X-Processor 5 | |
Storage media | SD Card (-2GB) / SDHC Card (-32GB) / SDXC Card (-2TB) / UHS-I *Please see the Fujifilm website (https://fujifilm-x.com/support/compatibility/cameras/) to check memory card compatibility. |
File format of still image | DCF | Compliant with Design rule for Camera File system (DCF2.0) |
JPEG | Exif Ver.2.32*1 | |
HEIF | 4:2:2 10bit | |
RAW | 14bit RAW (RAF original format) | |
TIFF | 8bit / 16bit RGB (In-camera Raw Conversion Only) | |
Number of recorded pixels | [L] | 〈4:3〉 6864 x 5152 〈3:2〉 7728 x 5152 〈16:9〉 7728 x 4344 〈1:1〉 5152 x 5152 〈5:4〉 6432x5152 |
[M] | 〈4:3〉 4864 x 3648 〈3:2〉 5472 x 3648 〈16:9〉 5472 x 3080 〈1:1〉 3648 x 3648 〈5:4〉 4560x3648 | |
[S] | 〈4:3〉 3456 x 2592 〈3:2〉 3888 x 2592 〈16:9〉 3888 x 2184 〈1:1〉 2592 x 2592 〈5:4〉 3264x2592 | |
Panorama[L] | 〈vertical〉2160 x 9600 〈Horizontal〉9600 x 1440 | |
Panorama[M] | 〈vertical〉2160 x 6400 〈Horizontal〉6400 x 1440 | |
Lens | Type | FUJINON single focal length lens |
Focal length | f=23mm (35mm format equivalent : 35mm) | |
Max. aperture | F2.0 | |
Lens configuration | 8 elements in 6 groups (includes 2 aspherical elements) | |
ND filter | Yes (4 stops) | |
Aperture | F2 - F16 1/3EV step (controlled with 9-blade aperture diaphragm) | |
Focus range | Approx. 10cm to infinity / 3.9in. to infinity | |
Conversion lens | WIDE / TELE / OFF | |
Digital Tele-Converter | 70mm* / 50mm* / 35mm*(Nomal)*35mm fomat equivalent | |
Sensitivity | Still Image | Standard Output: AUTO1 / AUTO2 / AUTO3 / ISO125~12800 (1/3 step) Extended Output: ISO64 / ISO80 / ISO100 / ISO25600 / ISO51200 |
Movie | Standard Output: AUTO / ISO125~12800 (1/3 step) Extended Output: ISO25600 |
Exposure control | TTL 256-zone metering / Multi / Spot / Average / Center Weighted | |
Exposure mode | P (Program AE) / A (Aperture Priority AE) / S (Shutter Speed Priority AE) / M (Manual Exposure) | |
Exposure compensation | Still | -5.0EV~+5.0EV 1/3EV step |
Movie | -2.0EV~+2.0EV 1/3EV step | |
Image stabilizer | Mechanism | Image sensor shift mechanism with 5-axis compensation |
Compensation Effect | 6.0 stops *based on CIPA standard *Pitch/yaw shake only *When shooting with EVF/LCD |
Digital Image Stabilization | Yes (movie mode only) | |
IS MODE BOOST | Yes (movie mode only) | |
Shutter type | Lens Shutter | |
Shutter speed | Mechanical shutter | P mode: 30sec. to 1/4000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/4000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/4000sec. Bulb: up to 60min. |
Electronic shutter | P mode: 30sec. to 1/180000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/180000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/180000sec. Bulb: 1sec. Fixed | |
Mechanical + Electronic shutter | P mode:30sec. to 1/180000sec. A mode:30sec. to 1/180000sec. S/M mode:15min. to 1/180000sec. Bulb:up to 60min. *Mechanical shutter works until 1/4000sec. |
Movie | 6.2K: 1/4000sec. to 1/24 sec. 4K/DCI4K: 1/4000sec. to 1/24 sec. FHD: 1/4000sec. to 1/24 sec. *Cannot choose slower shutter speed than framerate for some settings. |
Continuous shooting | CH Electronic shutter Approx. 20fps (1.29x Crop) (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 117 frames, Compressed RAW 52 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 35 frames, Uncompressed RAW 17 frames, Compressed RAW + JPEG 25 frames, Lossless compressed RAW + JPEG 22 frames, Uncompressed RAW + JPEG 17 frames) CH Electronic shutter Approx. 13fps (1.29x Crop) (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 146 frames, Compressed RAW 57 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 36 frames, Uncompressed RAW 17 frames, Compressed RAW + JPEG 38 frames, Lossless compressed RAW + JPEG 33 frames, Uncompressed RAW + JPEG 17 frames) CH Electronic shutter Approx. 10fps (1.29x Crop) (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 163 frames, Compressed RAW 59 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 36 frames, Uncompressed RAW 18 frames, Compressed RAW + JPEG 36 frames, Lossless compressed RAW + JPEG 33 frames, Uncompressed RAW + JPEG 17 frames) CH Electronic shutter Approx. 13fps (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 80 frames, Compressed RAW 38 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 24 frames, Uncompressed RAW 17 frames, Compressed RAW+JPEG 25 frames, Lossless compressed RAW+JPEG 18 frames, Uncompressed RAW+JPEG 17 frames) CH Electronic shutter Approx. 8.9fps (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 84 frames, Compressed RAW 38 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 24 frames, Uncompressed RAW 17 frames, Compressed RAW+JPEG 29 frames, Lossless compressed RAW+JPEG 25 frames, Uncompressed RAW+JPEG 17 frames) CH Mechanical shutter Approx. 11fps (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 38 frames, Compressed RAW 33 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 21 frames, Uncompressed RAW 17 frames, Compressed RAW+JPEG 28 frames, Lossless compressed RAW+JPEG 23 frames, Uncompressed RAW+JPEG 17 frames) CH Mechanical shutter Approx. 8.0fps (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 76 frames, Compressed RAW 35 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 21 frames, Uncompressed RAW 17 frames, Compressed RAW+JPEG 28 frames, Lossless compressed RAW+JPEG 23 frames, Uncompressed RAW+JPEG 17 frames) CL Mechanical shutter Approx. 6.0fps (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 97 frames, Compressed RAW 36 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 23 frames, Uncompressed RAW 18 frames, Compressed RAW+JPEG 29 frames, Lossless compressed RAW+JPEG 22 frames, Uncompressed RAW+JPEG 18 frames) CL Approx. 5.0fps (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 110 frames, Compressed RAW 42 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 25 frames, Uncompressed RAW 18 frames) CL Approx. 4.0fps (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 184 frames, Compressed RAW 48 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 26 frames, Uncompressed RAW 19 frames) CL Approx. 3.0fps (No. of recordable frames: JPEG 504 frames, Compressed RAW 57 frames, Lossless compressed RAW 29 frames, Uncompressed RAW 20 frames) Pre-shot Electronic shutter Approx. 20fps (1.29x Crop) (No. of recordable frames: While half press 20 frames, After full press 135 frames, Total 155 frames) Pre-shot Electronic shutter Approx. 13fps (1.29x Crop) (No. of recordable frames: While half press 13 frames, After full press 177 frames, Total 190 frames) Pre-shot Electronic shutter Approx. 10fps (1.29x Crop) (No. of recordable frames: While half press 10 frames, After full press 240 frames, Total 250 frames) Pre-shot Electronic shutter Approx. 11fps (No. of recordable frames: While half press 11 frames, After full press 79 frames, Total 90 frames) Pre-shot Electronic shutter Approx. 8fps (No. of recordable frames: While half press 8 frames, After full press 102 frames, Total 110 frames) *Recordable frames depends on recording media *Speed of continuous shooting depends on shooting environment and shooting frames |
Drive Mode | AE Bracketing | 2 frames / 3 frames / 5 frames / 7 frames / 9 frames *by 1/3EV step, up to ±3EV steps |
Filmsimulation bracketing | Any 3 types of film simulation selectable | |
Dynamic Range Bracketing | 100% / 200% / 400% | |
ISO sensitivity Bracketing | ±1/3EV / ±2/3EV / ±1EV | |
White Balance Bracketing | ±1 / ±2 / ±3 | |
Focus Bracketing | AUTO / MANUAL | |
Multiple Exposure | Yes (Max. 9 frames) / Additive / Average / Bright / Dark | |
HDR Mode | AUTO / 200% / 400% / 800% / 800% + | |
Advanced filter | Toy camera / Miniature / Pop color / High-key / Low-key / Dynamic tone / Soft focus / Partial color (Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Blue / Purple) | |
Focus | Mode | Single AF / Continuous AF / MF |
Type | Intelligent Hybrid AF (TTL contrast AF / TTL phase detection AF) | |
Low-light Performance | Contrast: -2.0EV Phase Detection: -5.0EV |
AF frame selection | Single point AF: 13x9 / 25x17 (Changeable size of AF frame) Zone AF: 3x3 / 5x5 / 7x7 / Custom1-3 from 117 areas on 13×9 grid Wide/Tracking AF: Yes (AF-S: Wide / AF-C: Tracking) All: Yes |
Face/eye detection | Yes | |
Subject detection | Yes (Animal/Bird/Automobile/Motorcycle&Bike/Airplane/Train) | |
Flash | Built-in flash | Auto flash [Super Intelligent Flash] Guide Number: approx. 4.4 (ISO100・m) Effective range(ISO1600): approx. 30cm - 7.4m/1.0ft. - 24.3ft. Sync. Mode: 1st Curtain / 2nd Curtain Flash Mode: TTL (TTL AUTO / STANDARD / SLOW SYNC. ) / MANUAL / COMMANDER / OFF |
Shoe mount flash | Sync. Mode: 1st Curtain / 2nd Curtain Flash Mode: TTL (TTL AUTO / STANDARD / SLOW SYNC. ) / MANUAL / MULTI *When EF-X500 is set / OFF |
Hot shoe | Yes (Dedicated TTL Flash compatible) | |
Viewfinder (Hybrid viewfinder) | OVF: Reverse Galilean viewfinder with electronic bright frame display Coverage of Frame Area v.s. Capturing Area: approx. 95% Magnification: approx x0.52 |
Viewfinder | EVF: 0.5 inch OLED Color Viewfinder, Approx. 3.69 million dots Coverage of Viewing Area vs. Capturing Area: Approx. 100% Eyepoint: Approx. 16.8mm (from the Rear End of the Camera's Eyepiece) Diopter Adjustment: -4~+2m-1 Magnification: 0.66x with 50mm Lens (35mm Equivalent) at infinity and Diopter set to -1.0m-1 Diagonal Angle of View: approx. 32° (Horizontal angle of view: approx. 27° ) Built-In Eye Sensor |
LCD monitor | 3.0 inch tilting touch screen color LCD monitor Aspect Ratio: 3:2 Dots: Approx. 1.62 million dots |
Touch Screen Mode | Shooting Mode | Shooting, AF, Focus Area, OFF, Double Tap Setting (ON/OFF), Touch Function Setting (ON/OFF), EVF Touch Screen Area Setting |
Playback Mode | Swipe, Pinch-in / Pinch-out, Double-tap, Drag | |
Movie recording | File format | MOV: HEVC/H.265, Linear PCM (Stereo sound 24bit / 48KHz sampling) MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, Linear PCM (Stereo sound 24bit / 48KHz sampling) MP4: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, AAC |
Movie compression | Long GOP | |
File size Frame rate Bitrate |
[6.2K(16:9)] 6240 x 3150 29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps [DCI4K HQ(17:9)] 4096 x 2160 29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps [4K HQ(16:9)] 3840 x 2160 29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps [DCI4K(17:9)] 4096 x 2160 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps [4K(16:9)] 3840 x 2160 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps [Full HD(17:9)] 2048 x 1080 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps [Full HD(16:9)] 1920 x 1080 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps [Full HD(17:9) High speed rec.] 2048 x 1080 240p/200p/120p/100p 200Mbps (recording) [Full HD(16:9) High speed rec.] 1920 x 1080 240p/200p/120p/100p 200Mbps (recording) *For recording movies, use a SD memory card with UHS Speed Class 3 or higher. *Selectable bitrate will be changed depends on the setting. *Recording time can become short depending on the temperature and/or shooting conditions |
Film simulation mode | 20 modes (PROVIA/Standard, Velvia/Vivid, ASTIA/Soft, Classic Chrome, REALA ACE, PRO Neg.Hi, PRO Neg.Std, Classic Neg., Nostalgic Neg., ETERNA/Cinema, ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS, ACROS, ACROS + Ye Filter, ACROS + R Filter, ACROS + G Filter, Black & White, Black & White + Ye Filter, Black & White + R Filter, Black & White + G Filter, Sepia) | |
Monochromatic Color | Yes | |
Grain Effect | Roughness | STRONG, WEAK, OFF |
Size | LARGE, SMALL | |
Color Chrome Effect | STRONG, WEAK, OFF | |
Color chrome Blue | STRONG, WEAK, OFF | |
Smooth Skin Effect | STRONG, WEAK, OFF | |
Dynamic range setting | Still | AUTO / 100% / 200% / 400% ISO restriction: DR100%: No limit、DR200%: ISO250 or more、DR400%: ISO500 or more |
Movie | 100% / 200% / 400% ISO restriction: DR100%: No limit、DR200%: ISO250 or more、DR400%: ISO500 or more |
White balance | Auto | White Priority / Auto / Ambience Priority |
Custom | Custom1 - 3 | |
Color temperature selection | 2500K~10000K | |
Preset | Daylight / Shade / Fluorescent Light-1 / Fluorescent Light-2 / Fluorescent Light-3 / Incandescent Light / Underwater | |
Clarity setting | ±5 steps | |
Self-timer | Still | 10sec. / 2sec. |
Movie | 10sec. / 5sec. / 3sec. | |
Interval timer shooting | Yes (Setting : Interval, Number of shots, Starting time, Interval timer shooting exposure smoothing, Interval priority mode) | |
Wireless transmitter | Standard | IEEE802.11a/b/g/n/ac (standard wireless protocol) |
Encryption | WPA/WPA2 mixed mode, WPA3 | |
Access mode | Infrastructure | |
Bluetooth® | Standartd | Bluetooth Ver. 4.2 (Bluetooth low energy) |
Operating frequency (Center frequency) | 2402~2480MHz | |
Terminal | Digital interface | USB Type-C USB 10Gbps |
HDMI output | HDMI Micro connector (Type D) | |
Others | Microphone / shutter release input: ø2.5mm Hot shoe |
Power supply | NP-W126S Li-ion battery (included) | |
Battery life for still images*2 | Economy Mode: Approx. 360 / 450 frames (EVF / OVF) Normal Mode: Approx. 310 / 450 frames (EVF / OVF) |
Actual battery life of movie capture*2 | 6.2K: Approx. 45min. (29.97p) 4K: Approx. 45min. (59.94p) Full HD: Approx. 50min. (59.94p)、Approx. 55min. (120P) *Face detection is set to OFF |
Continuance battery life of movie capture*2 | 6.2K: Approx. 70min. (29.97p) 4K: Approx. 70min. (59.94p) Full HD: Approx. 85min. (59.94p) *Face detection is set to OFF |
Dimensions | Width: 128.0mm Height: 74.8mm Depth: 55.3mm (Minimum Depth: 33.2mm) |
Weight | including battery and memory card: Approx. 521g excluding battery and memory card: Approx. 471g |
Operation Environment | Operating Temperature | 0℃~+40℃ |
Operating Humidity | 10% - 80% (no condensation) | |
Accessories included | Li-ion battery NP-W126S USB cable Shoulder strap Metal strap clip Clip attaching tool Protective cover Lens cap Hot shoe cover Owner's manual |
- *1 Exif 2.32 is a digital camera file format that contains a variety of shooting information for optimal printing
- *2 Approximate number of frames or movie recording time that can be taken with a fully-charged based on CIPA Standard.
Movie Specification
Media Rec (SD memory card)
Resolution/Aspect | Size | Frame rate | File format/Compression | Bit rate*1 | Bit depth | HDMI outupt Resolution(Frame rate)/Sampling/Bit depth |
Crop Magnification | ||
DIS ON | DIS OFF | ||||||||
6.2K 16:9 | 6240 x 3510 | 29.97p 25.00p 24.00p 23.98p |
H.265 Long GOP 4:2:2 MOV H.265 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV |
200Mbps 100Mbps 50Mbps |
10bit | FHD 4:2:2 10bit (When H.265 Long GOP 4:2:2 MOV selected)*2 4K 4:2:2 10bit (When H.265 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV selected)*2 |
Not possible |
1.23x | |
DCI4K HQ 17:9 4K HQ 16:9 |
4096 x 2160 3840 x 2160 |
29.97p 25.00p 24.00p 23.98p |
H.265 Long GOP 4:2:2 MOV H.265 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV |
200Mbps 100Mbps 50Mbps |
10bit | DCI4K/4K 4:2:2 10bit | Not possible |
1.23x | |
H.264 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV H.264 Long GOP 4:2:0 MP4 |
200Mbps 100Mbps 50Mbps |
8bit | DCI4K/4K 4:2:2 8bit | Not possible |
1.23x | ||||
DCI4K 17:9 4K 16:9 |
4096 x 2160 3840 x 2160 |
59.94p 50.00p 29.97p 25.00p 24.00p 23.98p |
H.265 Long GOP 4:2:2 MOV H.265 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV |
200Mbps 100Mbps 50Mbps |
10bit | DCI4K/4K 4:2:2 10bit | 1.1x | 59.94p/50.00p:1.14x 29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p:1.0x |
H.264 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV H.264 Long GOP 4:2:0 MP4 |
200Mbps 100Mbps 50Mbps |
8bit | DCI4K/4K 4:2:2 8bit | 1.1x | 59.94p/50.00p:1.14x 29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p:1.0x |
FHD 17:9 FHD 16:9 |
2048 x 1080 1920 x 1080 |
59.94p 50.00p 29.97p 25.00p 24.00p 23.98p |
H.265 Long GOP 4:2:2 MOV H.265 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV |
200Mbps 100Mbps 50Mbps |
10bit | FHD 4:2:2 10bit*3 | 1.1x | 59.94p/50.00p:1.14x 29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p:1.0x |
H.264 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV H.264 Long GOP 4:2:0 MP4 |
200Mbps 100Mbps 50Mbps |
8bit | FHD 4:2:2 8bit*3 | 1.1x | 59.94p/50.00p:1.14x 29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p:1.0x |
High speed FHD 17:9 FHD 16:9 |
2048 x 1080 1920 x 1080 |
240fps(4×/8×/10×) 200fps(4×/8×) 120p (2x/4x/5x) 100p (2x/4x) |
H.265 Long GOP 4:2:2 MOV H.265 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV |
200Mbps (when recording) | 10bit | FHD(59.94p) 4:2:2 10bit*4 | Not possible |
1.23x | |
H.264 Long GOP 4:2:0 MOV H.264 Long GOP 4:2:0 MP4 |
200Mbps (when recording) | 8bit | FHD(59.94p) 4:2:2 8bit*4 |
HDMI Output
Resolution/Aspect | Size | Frame rate | HDMI outupt Resolution/Sampling/Bit depth |
Crop Magnification | ||
DIS ON | DIS OFF | |||||
6.2K 16:9 | 6240 x 3510 | 29.97p 25.00p 24.00p 23.98p |
FHD 4:2:2 10bit*2 | Not possible |
1.23x | |
DCI4K HQ 17:9 4K HQ 16:9 |
4096 x 2160 3840 x 2160 |
29.97p 25.00p 24.00p 23.98p |
DCI4K/4K 4:2:2 10bit | Not possible |
1.23x | |
DCI4K 17:9 4K 16:9 |
4096 x 2160 3840 x 2160 |
59.94p 50.00p 29.97p 25.00p 24.00p 23.98p |
DCI4K/4K 4:2:2 10bit | 1.1x | 59.94p/50.00p:1.14x 29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p:1.0x |
FHD 17:9 FHD 16:9 |
2048 x 1080 1920 x 1080 |
59.94p 50.00p 29.97p 25.00p 24.00p 23.98p |
FHD 4:2:2 10bit *3 | 1.1x | 59.94p/50.00p:1.14x 29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p:1.0x |
HDMI Output (High speed REC HDMI ONLY)
Resolution/Aspect | Size | Frame rate | HDMI outupt Resolution(Frame rate)/Sampling/Bit depth |
Crop Magnification | ||
DIS ON | DIS OFF | |||||
FHD 16:9 | 1920 x 1080 | 120p 100p |
FHD(120p/100p) 4:2:2 10bit | Not possible |
1.23x |
- *1 Bit rate will be changed depend on the subject
- *2 The resolution from HDMI output is different from selected setting
- *3 When the aspect ratio is not 16:9, the image is output in 16:9 with a black band.
- *4 The frame rate from HDMI output is different from selected setting
Špecifikácia Fujifilm X100VI black
veľkosť snímača | APS-C |
Rozlíšenie | 40,2 MPx |
Formát snímača | 23.5 x 15.7mm (APS-C) BSI |
obrazový procesor | X-Processor 5 |
čistenie snímača | áno |
autofokus AF | TTL contrast AF/ TTL phase detect. AF |
Rýchlosť sériového snímania | 20fps / 31MPx, 13fps / 40MPx |
ISO - maximálna citlivosť | 125 - 1280 ( 64 - 51 200) |
Rozlíšenie hľadáčika | 3 690 000 bodov |
displej | 3" dotyk. výklop. (1 620 000 bodov) |
typ média | SD/SDHC/SDXC |
Rozlíšenie videa | 4K (4096 x2160) 60fps |
doba záznamu videa | 45 min/ 4K, 60 min/ FHD |
batéria | NP-W126S |
výdrž batérie | cca 450 záberov |
ohnisková vzdialenosť | 23mm (ekv. 35mm) |
svetelnosť | f2 |
obrazový stabilizátor | áno - 5 osový |
konštrukcia-prvky / skupiny | 8 / 6 |
zaostrovanie | AF / MF |
min. zaost. vzdialenosť | 10 cm |
rozmery | 12.8 x 7.47 x 5.3 cm |
hmotnosť | 521 g |
typ | Bezzrkadlovka |
vstupy a výstupy | Micro HDMI, 2,5mm TRS, USB-C, |
vstavaný mikrofón | stereo |
funkcia Slow Motion | 2048 x 1080 /240 fps [200 Mb/s] |